bottle warmer for car what is the best baby bottle warmer

Related to baby

Im looking for a bottle warmer i can use in the car. Which is the best mobile bottle warmer? I have been looking at munchkin warmers but im not really sure what to look for.

I basically want something that i can carry around without to much hassle but them when I am out and about i can just plug it into the car.

Im not even sure which brands im looking at really, I just know that it needs to be 12v powered rather than mains. I have even looked at air powered or chemical options but feel it is just to much messing about...grrrr how hard can it be to find a bottle warmer for the car???

One thing i did notice on a few review sites was that they are not usually dishwasher safe. Is this true? Its not too much of a down side but might become annoying after a while!


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